Building a Goshen Stone Patio without mortar
To build a patio without mortar, you will need:
Carpenter’s level
Rubber mallet
String line & rule
Edging material
Chipping hammer
Stone dust
Pick & shovel
Note: larger, thicker pieces are better for use without mortar because they will be heavier and less prone to movement.
Determine the size of the patio you wish to build in feet.
Multiply length by width to get the approximate area of your patio.
Contact us! Flagstone varies in thickness and density, so once you have selected the grade of stone you wish to use, we can further advise on quantity necessary for your project.
Layout the size and shape of your patio using stakes and connecting string lines at the desired elevation of your finished patio.
Remove earth to a depth of approximately 6 inches.
Place edging along and up to the height of your string line.
Wet and tamp the earth inside the excavated area.
Place 3-4 inches of stone dust in the area, keeping material damp and compacted within about 2 inches of the top of the edging. Note: this distance will vary depending on the thickness of your chosen flagstone.
Lay your flagstone in the stone dust bed, wiggling and tamping each piece into place.
Level your stone by removing or adding stone dust beneath to adjust the height.
Keep joints close and uniform for a clean appearance.
Finish by sweeping sand and/or screened stone dust into the joints and wetting thoroughly.