The goshen stone quarry

The Goshen Stone quarry, spanning 12 acres in western Massachusetts, is a site rich in history and geological significance. The land, owned by the same family since the early 1800s, holds mica schist formed over 420 million years ago, a remnant of an ancient ocean floor. This stone is prized for its balance of durability and work-ability, making it a favorite for building and landscaping projects.

The quarry was transformed in the late 20th century when it was cleared of dense forest and reopened for stone extraction. The layers of stone tell a story of time and natural processes, with frost-weathered pieces near the surface and solid, unbroken layers deeper down. This variety allows for a wide range of uses, from massive slabs for walls to finely shaped patio stones.

The quarry is not just about production; it’s a hub for creativity and craftsmanship. Its stones have been used in unique projects like local landmarks and even a custom-built mini Stonehenge. With its unique geological features and family heritage, the Goshen Stone quarry stands out as a remarkable site blending natural history, utility, and creativity.